"Discover How Our Simple Proven Real Estate (RE) Marketing System Will Have Buyers Seeking You Out So You Sell a LOT More Homes in Any Market!"
To Sell More Homes in Any Market, All You Need is More Prospects, More Exposure to Them, and To be Seen as an Expert Because You Provide More Value to Them... All of Which the Instant Sales System Does Automatically For You!

The Instant Sales System for Real Estate Professionals is a Simple Proven System to Enhance or Replace Any Marketing System so You Sell More Homes and Have More Free Time! We have a Very Limited Special Offer, so review our website right now if you really want to grow your business and save money.

Get Excited Because Our Simple Proven System
is Very Easy To Use & You Will NOT NEED...
  • You Will NOT Need... any special computer skills!
  • You Will NOT Need... any special hardware or software!
  • You Will NOT Need... an existing website (If you have one even better)!
  • You Will NOT Need... any special marketing experience!
  • You Will NOT Need... a current list of email addresses!
Rick Armstrong
Rick Armstrong
"I work with numerous small business owners on a regular basis and see first hand their lack of understanding of how to capitalize on Internet marketing.

Some of them spend thousands of dollars on what I would term a brochure site that does little if anything about putting money in their pockets.

For only $30 a month the Instant Sales System can help them to generate thousands of dollars in income.

It's a great marketing tool!"
Discover The Many Ways We Increase Exposure & Sales for RE Agents!

We have a Simple 3 Step Process as follows ...

STEP 1 - We Automate Capturing
STEP 2 - We Automatically Follow Up With Your List to Increase Exposure
STEP 3 - You Can Follow Up With Your List Whenever You Want to Increase Exposure
Step 1 - We AUTOMATE Capturing the Contact Information of Your Prospects & Clients to Build You a Large List

This works even if you don't have a website and builds a VERY valuable list of prospects and clients that you can now market to at will automatically!

For example, imagine having a form like the one below, suddenly POP OPEN on ANY website you have, including your business site or even a social media site like Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog, so that now, the Instant Sales System will AUTOMATE Capturing the contact information of your prospects for you!

Click on the Image Below to See Our Floating Capture Form that Includes a Video to Motivate Your Prospects to Enter Their Contact Information to Receive a Free Report. The Video & Report Are Included With the Instant Sales System for RE Agents, so Enter Your Information to See The Report Yourself.
Discover What Our Floating Capture Form Can Do For YOU:
  • Our Floating Capture Form will Grab the Attention of Your Prospects to Impress Them
  • You can put a different Floating Capture Form on Any Website, including Social Media Sites!
  • Our Floating Capture Form will Get a Lot More People to Give You Their Contact Info
  • Use our Library of "Done For You" Floating Capture Forms that Include a Custom Video
  • Some of our Floating Capture Forms Automatically Send a Report (Done for You)
  • You can Easily Create Your Own Floating Capture Forms in Less Than 1 Minute
  • You can Easily Control the Text and Video (Point and Click)
  • You can Easily Control what Fields to Capture Contact Info (ie. Name, Email, Phone, etc.)
  • You can Easily Control what Autoresponder Campaign is Automatically Sent to Prospects
Additional Ways to Automatically Capture Prospects' Information
You can also use our professionally designed forms ON any page/s of any website.
Click on the Image Below to See Forms You Can Put ON Your Website


Discover What Our Forms Can Do For YOU:
  • Use our Library of "Done For You" Forms
  • Many Different Styles, Shapes, Sizes and Colors to Choose From
  • Easy to Put Anywhere On Your Website
  • Automatically Puts Contacts Into a Contact Manager
  • Automatically Notifies You When Someone Completes a Form
  • Automatically Initiates an Autoresponder Campaign to Prospects
Can You Help Me If I Don't Have a Website?
Yes, we can help you capture the contact info of prospects & clients even if you don't have a website.
Click on the Image Below to See Our Lead Capture Pages You Can Use

Discover What Our Lead Capture Pages Can Do For YOU:
  • Use an Unlimited Number of Lead Capture Pages
  • You Can Determine Where People Go After Entering Their Contact Information
  • Contact Information Automatically Goes Into Our Contact Manager
  • Choose from many Lead Captures Pages - With just a couple of clicks you now have a new website to capture your prospects and clients information!
What If I Want to Create My Own Capture Pages?
You can create and UNLIMITED # of Lead Capture Pages Very Easily and In Less Than 5 Minutes!
Click on the Image Below to See How Easy
You Can Create Your Own Lead Capture Pages
Discover How Easy it is to Create Your Own Lead Capture Pages:
  • Easily Create an Unlimited # of Capture Pages
  • Great For Targeted Marketing & Ad Tracking
  • Point, Click & Type to add your own text and Video if you like (or use our videos for RE Agents)
  • You Can Determine Where People Go After Entering Their Contact Information
  • Contact Information Automatically Goes Into Our Contact Manager
Once Our System Has Captured Your Prospects' Information,
Their Details are Automatically Added to Your Contact Manager

Discover How Our Contact Manager Will Make You More Productive:
  • Automatic Entry - Anyone Entering their contact information on any of our capture forms, will Automatically be entered into your Contact Manager
  • Record Notes - Keep detailed notes to better record your communication with prospects and clients
  • Set Reminders - Set & Receive email reminders so you never forget an important date or pertinent information which will help you better connect with your prospects & clients
  • Groups - Create Unlimited # of groups in your Contact Manager for Targeted Marketing
  • Rating System - Rate your prospects & clients so you spend your limited time with your best prospects
  • Statistics - See who and when someone opened or clicked on a link in one of your emails
  • Immediate Notification - Immediately Receive an Email and/or Text Message to your Cell Phone when Prospects complete a capture form
  • PLUS so much more...
Seth Roach
Seth Roach
"My name is Seth Roach from Gainesville, FL. I am thrilled to be using this revolutionary marketing system called the Instant Sales System. The Instant Sales System has given me the edge you need to get ahead.

I am excited that its helping me to get more sales while improving my relationships with my customers. From the ease of use that reduces any kind of learning curve to the customizing of the system to meet my needs...it is truly is a tool that any business can use to fit what they do best and do it even better.

How can you go wrong when you have a system that will increase your sales, and also reduce your marketing costs. Like I said this is truly revolutionary and allows any business owner whether they are internet saavy or not to get ahead in today's market. In a word...AWESOME"
Step 2 - We Automate Follow Up With Your Contacts With Our 'Holiday Campaigns' to Build You A Loyal, Dedicated Following
Of Clients Who Will Refer You Over and Over Again!
  • Contacts your prospects & clients on holidays & special occasions... on autopilot!
  • Prospects Will Think of You 1st When They See Your Picture & Info Repeatedly!
  • Retain your clients by turning them into a loyal following!
  • Never worry about forgetting to contact a client on their special day!
  • Never again do you have to mail out and pay for a paper newsletter!
  • It turns you into a respected resource of quality Real Estate information!
Click an Image to See Samples of Our Holiday & Real Estate Email Templates
Step 3 - Communicate With Your Prospects & Clients Whenever You Want With Our Professional Reports, Audio & Video Postcards,
and ECards So They Realize You Are a Professional & Will
Be More Likely To Hire You & Refer You to Others!

Click on an Image Below to View Sample Reports
Each Report is 5 Email Messages Spread Over Time:

  • Increases client base by educating prospects on what a RE Agent can do with captivating email campaigns and free reports! ALL WRITTEN FOR YOU!
  • Gets new clients more excited about working with you... which leads to more referrals!
  • Keeps you fresh in the mind of your clients so when they need a RE Agent YOU will be the first person who comes to mind!
  • We have over 100 "Done for You" professionally written email messages to educate your prospects and clients and thus add a lot of value to your services!
Our System will fill your daily planner and will make you a master at following up and keeping in contact with your prospects and clients! All the marketing materials are done for you... so you never have to worry about creating captivating messages or ad copy ever!
Use Audio and Video Postcards to WOW Your Clients
Click on the Images Below to See Our Audio & Video Postcards in Action:
  • Experts predict that Audio & Video gets 3-5 Times the Results of typical emails
  • Includes a Library of "Done for You" Audio & Video Postcards
  • Easy to replace with Your Audio & Video to Personalize Your Message
  • Increase the likelihood that Prospects Will Give You Their Contact Info
  • Prospects will do business with Agents who have the TOOLS to sell their home
Use Our ECards to Get Viral Exposure at NO Cost!
Click on the Image Below to See Sample Ecards
Discover How Our ECards Can Get You Viral Exposure at NO Cost:
  • Includes a Library of "Done for You" ECards
  • Easy to Personalize Each ECard
  • ECards Are Animated Impressing Your Prospects
  • People Will Forward Your ECards Getting You FREE Expsoure
  • ECards Include Your Contact Information to Easily Contact You
Stop Wasting Money on Marketing That Doesn't Work!

Discover How Our Ad Tracking Can Show You How to Stop Wasting Money:
  • We Include Ad Tracking that works for Online OR Offline Marketing
  • Track Hits, Unique Visitors and % of Forms Completed
  • Easy to set up (if you can type, you can do it)
  • Easily Identify what marketing efforts are working
  • Helps you to Stop Wasting Money on marketing that is NOT working
Phil Stone
Phil Stone
"I've been using a variation of The Instant Sales System for our internet business for months now with great success. When I found out that they were launching a similar service for businesses I was thrilled. We also have a home improvement company and I can see tremendous advantages with The Instant Sales System.

When one of our sales people visits a prospective customer we'll suggest they register at the site we got from The Instant Sales System and they will immediately qualify for a discount. They will also get the first email from the autoresponder system that welcomes them and gives them their first home tip. None of our competition does that. We will definately stand out. Then they'll get another email the next day, and the day after, and 30 days after that, for as long as they choose to keep their subscription. What incredible customer contact- and it's all automated! If we want to run a special promotion, we can compose it and the system will send it to everyone on our list with one click on our computer. Do you think we will get more business with this Instant Sales System? Absolutely!

We can advertise our web site too. The more people we get on our list, the more powerful our company becomes. And our competition will have a tough time ever catching up. The Instant Sales System will help us capture huge market share. We all are very excited!"
If All This Isn't Enough... We Include Marketing Resources to Get Traffic to Your Website
  • We'll Show You How to Leverage Social Media Sites to Attract Prospects
  • We'll Show You How to Leverage 1 Piece of Content to Get a LOT of Traffic
  • We'll Show You How to Get Top Rankings on Search Engines
  • Discover How Article Marketing Can Get You FREE Traffic
  • Discover How Video Marketing Can Get You FREE Traffic
  • Discover Many Ways to Get FREE Publicity
Click Here to Start Growing Your Real Estate Business Today

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any contracts required?

Answer: No, there are NO contracts, so you can use our system as long as you'd like and cancel at any time.

Can the monthly fee ever increase?

Answer: Yes, BUT when you sign up today, we will grandfather you in at this Low Limited Time Offer Pricing and NEVER change your monthly fee & you can even Easily Get Your Monthly Fee Waived Each Month!

How can I get my monthly fee waived?

Answer: Every month you have 3 paying referrals (can even be the same 3 people each month) then we waive your monthly fee. So, just refer others and you can easily use our system for FREE Each Month!

I don't have any client email addresses. Can I still use the Instant Sales System?

Answer: Yes, even without any client email addresses you can still use the Instant Sales System! In fact, many of our clients started with absolutely no email addresses at all. We have various techniques that can automate the collecting of email addresses for you.

Does the Instant Sales System send out SPAM?

Answer: Not at all! We spend over six figures a year to make sure our emails get delivered and stay completely SPAM Compliant. This means we meet all of the regulations required to be legitimate, fully-approved email contact.  Of course prospects and clients can easily unsubscribe at any time.

I don't think a lot of my clients use email. Will the Instant Sales System still work?

Answer: Yes, because according to extensive research, over 70% of adults are using the Internet, which represents over 141 million people.  91% of those people read and send email.  So, there's no doubt that a large majority of your prospects and clients are using email every day.

Do I need any special computer skills to use this system?

Answer: Absolutely not! Our system is so easy to operate even a child could use it. We have made it ABC - 123 simple with easy to follow instructional videos that will have you up and running in minutes! We have done most of the work for you!

How Much Time Will I have to Dedicate to this?

Answer: We are talking minutes and hours per Month NOT days and weeks. Of course the more you put in the more you get out...It's kind of like having a license to print money.

Can I make changes to the content within the Instant Sales System?

Answer: YES. You have full editorial control over all of the emails that go out with your Instant Sales System. You can use our emails or create your own or even edit ours its up to you. You can initiate messages on auto pilot or whenever you want and customize too. This way all of the messages you send can perfectly represent you...you can even create and edit sales pages and capture pages.

Will someone be available to help me get started?

Answer: We have a Customer Support Team you can access at any time and can help you get set up and on track quickly...but my guess is you won't even need them...it's that simple to use!

How Much Would it be Worth to Have the Instant Sales System Automate All of Your Marketing & Business Building Practices and Increase Your Sales?
What if you only sell 1 extra home per year utilizing the Instant Sales System (You can easily sell a LOT more than 1 extra home per year, but we want to be very conservative)?

The average commission on the sale of 1 extra home for most RE Agents is around $10,000. So what if you sold just 1 extra home each year for the next 10 years ... that would be an extra $100,000!

Once you experience the tremendous value with the Instant Sales System, you will want to tell others, and with just 3 paying referrals, you can use it for FREE each month!

So here's what we're offering you ... the ability to literally earn at least an extra $100,000 over the next 10 years (and very easily a LOT more), for a small 1 time investment and a very low monthly fee that easily can be FREE each month!
Click Here to See a Comparison Between Our System and Other Popular Email Services
Take Advantage of the Instant Sales System
for RE Agents and Our Limited Time Offer
This Limited Time Discount is Only Good For the First 1000 RE Agents and we have a Nationwide Sales Force ready to introduce this to Hundreds of Thousands of RE Agents!

Since 1999, we have provided over 151,000 small businesses with our service in a different niche market, but now we are very focused on supporting the Real Estate Industry! We have a Very Special Limited Offer to gain 100's of case studies, and that will happen QUICKLY! Therefore, we will keeping our fees extremely low for the first 1000 RE Agents.

So now is the time to act before our price goes up considerably, but don't worry because anyone signing up now will keep our extremely low monthly fee forever (it will never go up for you)!

As I mentioned earlier our system is worth 100's per month, but is yours now for just a ONETIME fee of $197 and $29.97 per month!

Great news! If you are seeing this website you are still eligible for our limited time pricing discount!

More good news...when you sign up now you will be grandfathered in at that price FOREVER! It doesn't matter if our month fee goes to $200 per month you still pay ONLY $29.97 per month!

Even More Good News...Refer 3 paying clients to us and we will waive your monthly fee! That's right pay NOTHING monthly. FREE is a VERY good price!

OK so here's the bad news...This offer will NOT last long! The time to act is NOW because you may be risking locking in this incredible price if you hesitate!
Erik Bakewell
Erik Bakewell
"Hello, my name is Erik Bakewell, from Arvada, Colorado. I am excited about the Instant Sales System because is the most comprehensive tool I have seen and used in my over 20 years of experience with marketing tools for business.

If you are trying to grow ANY business, you already know how much money you can use up in many of the traditional advertising methods. Very Costly and really an unknown on how effective they are.

Successful marketing is the art of getting people to talk (and therefore think) about you and your business, especially if they do that without you having to be there and this system will do this for any business. I am still WOWed by the unique tools I have to promote my business, and I know I am WOWing my prospects as well.

If you understand that you can't afford to ignore the importance of how we all need to market in the 21st century (and, believe me, you can't) then you can't afford not to check out the Instant Sales System. It's really a must have for any business, and for the price it was a no brainer for me."
Please keep in mind, agents who miss out on this Limited Offer will most likely pay somewhere between $397 and $797 for the 1 time set up fee, and a MUCH larger monthly fee (probably $77 to $97 per month) for the Instant Sales System for Real Estate Agents. So, to say you're getting an unbelievable deal here is a massive understatement!

PLUS we are so sure you will Love the Instant Sales System for RE Agents, that we even have a BETTER Than Money Back Guarantee as follows!

Simply Try the Instant Sales System for RE Agents and receive our Valuable Bonuses (listed below), and if for ANY reason you aren't 100% satisfied, then we'll gladly refund your 1 time investment and you can keep the bonuses!
You Can Cancel Anytime
You truly have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking action
today and getting the Instant Sales System. Now, the next move is up to you...

Let's Recap Everything You Get With Your Instant Sales System for RE Agents. You would pay the following if you purchased each of these features outside of the Instant Sales System.

1. Professionally Designed and Hosted Capture Pages Turnkey and ready to go just point and click! $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
2. Floating Capture Form Amazing technology that will be grab contact information of your website visitors building you a huge prospect list $40/Month Value
Included w/ Service
3. Ever Expanding Library of Professionally Written Email Messages Targeted to add great value to home buyers and sellers $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
4. Auto Responder System Email marketing delivery system with a 97% delivery rate $20/Month Value
Included w/ Service
5. Holiday/Occasion Marketing Campaign Message your prospects and clients on autopilot while you sleep! $20/Month Value
Included w/ Service
6. Audio & Video Postcards Create your own or leverage ours custom made for the RE Agent $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
7. Ad Tracking, Track your ads Online AND Offline to see what working and what isn’t once and for all. This alone could save you 1000's on wasting money on ineffective advertising! $20/Month Value
Included w/ Service
8. Powerful Contact Management System
Rate Prospects, take notes, set email reminders and So Much More. Our Contact manager will have being a master at follow up, and we all know that’s where the fortune is!
$20/Month Value
Included w/ Service
9. Unlimited Sales Page Creator You can basically create you own website right inside our system! $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
10. Unlimited Capture Page Creator Great for target marketing and Search Engine Optimization $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
11. Viral Electronic Ecards These ecards will be forwarded virally with your business information for many eyes to see! $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
12. Unlimited Sub-Domain Name Creation Great for ad tracking and a big money saver!!! $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
13. Live Chat Feature (Coming Soon) Chat with your prospects WHILE they are on your website! $20/Month Value
Included w/ Service
14. Voice Broadcast (Coming Soon) Call ALL your prospects and clients in just minutes $30/Month Value
Included w/ Service
Total Value $360/Month

SPECIAL Limited Time Offer Only Good For the Next
1000 RE Agents So Act Now Before the Price Goes Up!

Get Your Turnkey Instant Sales System for RE Agents

For Only $197 ONETIME & $29.97 A Month

Click HERE To Get Your System Right Away
But That's Not All ... There's Even MORE!
Receive a FREE BONUS of "How To Get Unending Referrals" (17 Audios and a Transcript of each audio) by Michael Price (former trainer for Tony Robbins).
Click Here to see the testimonial from former Director of Sales (Robert Simril) for Anthony Robbins when Michael did a live training on this very program for their telemarketing department.
  • Learn How to Get Anyone to Give You Referrals by Meeting 2 Simple Conditions
  • Discover How to Get a LOT of Quality Referrals
  • Discover How to Follow Up with Your Referrals
  • Discover How to Qualify Your Referrals So You Only Spend Time With Quality Prospects
You Have An Important Choice to Make Today!
You can continue trying to build your Real Estate business the same way you've been doing things and hope that something will change on its own (Which is the same way most other RE Agents are doing it)!

- OR -

You can start living the life of your dreams by using the Instant Sales System to set yourself apart from all other RE Agents & their old methods of prospecting that don't work. We will help you make MORE SALES to Increase Your Income while Saving You Time with our State of the Art Marketing System.
So Are You Ready to Make More Sales While Working Less?

 Yes! I'm Ready To Have The Instant Sales System Get Me New Prospects & Clients,
and Help Me Sell More Homes With a System That Has Been Built With ME in Mind!

I'd be crazy to pass up on the opportunity to have a Turnkey Marketing System
LOADED With Valuable Marketing Material Already Done For ME for JUST...
$197 ONETIME & $29.97 a month
AND Easily FREE with 3 Paying Referrals
REMEMBER the Instant Sales System is way under-priced right now! With our Limited Offer and
with our 100% Better Than Money-Back Guarantee. You Risk Nothing so Get Started Today!
YES, I Want to Increase My Sales While Cutting My Expenses For
a 1 Time Investment of Just $197 Plus a Monthly Fee of Just $29.97
(We Will Even Eliminate the $29.97 Monthly Fee with Just 3 Paying Referrals)!
Here are the 2 Steps to Get Started & Increase Your Sales NOW!

STEP 1 - Click on the SIGNUP NOW button below to make your ONE TIME investment of $197 to setup your account. You will be taken directly to PayPal from this site. (You don’t need a PayPal account as any credit card will work)

STEP 2 - You will be redirected from PayPal after making the one time $197 set up fee, to then complete the Signup System with Priceless Possibilities (the company that created the Instant Sales System). You will need to enter your credit card on the Signup System with Priceless Possibilities for the $29.97 monthly fee to use the Instant Sales System which you can cancel at any time.

* BOTH steps are Necessary to use the Instant Sales System *